KY-Sen: New Poll Confirms Close Race

Research 2000 for Daily Kos (10/15-16, likely voters, 9/15-17 in parens):

Bruce Lunsford (D): 42 (37)

Mitch McConnell (R-inc): 46 (50)

(MoE: ±4%)

That’s some nice mo’ for Lunsford in the past month, who has gained some more ground among Democrats and Independents since the previous R2K poll here. Post-bailout, McConnell’s favorable rating has taken a bit of a hit — he currently sits at 47-46, down from 51-43 in September.

Lunsford will need a strong finish in order to pull this off, but this race is looking a lot more doable than it did a couple of months ago.

7 thoughts on “KY-Sen: New Poll Confirms Close Race”

  1. According to registration figures from April (our advantage may have increased even more now), 57% of registered voters are Democrats… this poll only listed Democrats at 46%… Could this really be a tied race?

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